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Cybercrime through Social Engineering - The New Global Crisis

For the billions of users of cyber technology, the author has provided a non-technical anecdotal journey through cyberspace. Citing experiences of real people, organizations, and governments, readers will learn about the massive illicit wealth transfer, ideological differences, and state-crafted cyberwarfare that continues to increase globally on an exponential basis.

Chris' message is "trust yourself that you are smart enough to become a sophisiticated user of technology (UoT), both in your workplace and your personal life...and pay attention to the risks of victimization when we use technology.

R. Cadigan, Ph.D., Associate Professor Emertus, Department of Applied Sciences, Metropolitan College, Boston University



This book is not only interesting when considering the rapid in cybercrime, but is written in a style that is helpful to those of us who are still trying to catch up such that we can better protect ourselves.  It clearly provides the awareness and steps to be taken to remain safe.

T. Coleman, MOM, Ph.D., Police Chief (Retired)


A knowledgeable understanding of cybersecurity whether you are an individual or professional. Sheila Hoyle


Well organized and well presented in a fashion that the average person can understand. Richard Moore


Informative and useful...practical information on avoiding and recovering from socially engineered cyberattacks

...a practical guide to responding confidently if (when?) we are victimized. Dr. Robert T. Cadigan


Informative and useful...practical information on avoiding and recovering from socially engineered cyberattacks

...a practical guide to responding confidently if (when?) we are victimized. Amazon Customer


This book is a vital tool for the Public to self educate themselves. Everyone should read it! Judy


...a great tool for a wide array of readers ranging from non technical employees, to all levels of management to those with technical skills...I have just made this "required reading" for our workplace.  Sid D.