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November 5-6. CATA Alliance E-Crime Cyber Council (ECC) Fall Meeting. Calgary, Alberta.

November 5-6. CATA Alliance E-Crime Cyber Council (ECC) Fall Meeting. Calgary, Alberta.  Hosting roundtable discussion - Humanizing Cybercrime - Victim and Criminal Element Motivators and Social Behaviours.

November, 2019. Cyber Security: A Peer-Reviewed Journal – Volume 3, number 1.  Research paper to be published – "Preventing cybercrime: A framework for understanding the role of human vulnerabilities".  Co-authored with Drs. Mary Ellen Mastrorilli and Robert Cadigan of Boston University Metropolitan College.  Journal information here.


November 13-16, 2019. ASC (American Society of Criminology) Annual Meeting. San Francisco. Roundtable Discussion – "The Importance of Knowledge Exchange between Academia and Tech Workers in Setting up a Comprehensive Curriculum in Cybercrime".  More details here and registration information here.


December 11, 2019 –Webinar presenter sponsored by Henry Stewart Publications: Understanding the "Human Factor" in Cyber-Attacks".  Register here.